Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How To Deal With The Office Bitch

Young brown girls across the nation are closing the chapter of their higher education and entering the working world. Unfortunately it becomes apparent very quickly that the bonds of sisterhood and common decency don't truly exist in the workplace. In corporate America it seems that women almost have to adopt a survivalist mentality. That means putting oneself first and only entertaining situations that would propel them forward. It's inevitable that you will come across at least one of these characters during your career, here's how to deal:

When Its Your Boss:
This is the most common as well as the most uncomfortable of situations to be in. One one hand to be successful in the corporate world you have to be a model employee. Being labeled as one that complains or that cant adapt to a typical work environment can hurt your chances of climbing the ladder of success in you company. On the other hand reacting out of emotion can end your employment all together, as well as a future reference. If your boss truly gets to you remember to take a step back to view the entire situation. Analyze your role in the repetitive conflict. Are you thinking with a clear head? Are you close to saying something that could be career ending? Are my boss's actions regarding my work or it it a personal attack? If you conclude that you are not an equal part in these spats then you need to buckle down and do some homework. The most effective habit to have is to document everything. Save all emails in which you feel are evidence of a personal attack. Keep names and dates of instances which you have had excessive conflict this will be your ace in the hole should you plan on reporting this to HR. But before you go on a crusade to destroy your boss you would be surprised at how much face to face talking goes. Go to your bosses office, close the door and really talk to her. Keep cool, calm and collected. You don' to go in there an emotional mess and dig in to what the real problem is.What ever you do don't take it lying down, you have more of a voice than you think.

When It's Your Coworkers

You'd be surprised at how much the modern working world resembles a typical high school. You have your popular kids that seem to run the social structure of the office, the teachers pets who have their lips permanently locked on to the boss's ass, and the jocks the group of the terribly fine men who have their pick of the women in their typing pool. Gossip spreads around the office quicker than a forest fire. Employees are basically forced to compete in this social Olympics or risk being cast out of the circle completely. Feeling the cold shoulder of the office staff is the worst but its not life threatening to your career. If you find yourself feeling out casted don't panic. Focus on your work and don't sweat it so much. If you were in the wrong apologize and move on, that's all you can do. If you dwell on the issue it makes you look worse. No one wants to be labeled the needy drama queen at work. Stay focused on what matters: the work. No one at work pays your bills, so don't let them run you out of the place that does pay yours.

When It's You:
It can be a real slap in the face when you realize that you have become the biggest bitch in the office. People already have an assumption of you regardless if you've ever come into contact or not. It not only makes you look bad in a social sense but your can be labeled as not working well with others, being difficult, or simply unable to take direction. This may leave you stuck in the same position and unable to reach your full potential because your company doesn't think you can handle it. What needs to happen first is that you need to do some damage control. Why are you so angry? Are you aware of your bad behavior? Are you truly unhappy at your job? If you are maybe this realization will reveal that this job is starting to effect you personally and how you connect with people. No job or amount of money is worth your sanity. Remember that. Turn the mirror on yourself and find out what is going on with you. Then you must own up to your faults. Try and repair those relationships that were lost. Keep in mind that we spend more time at work than we do with our loved ones so if you blow it off its not something that will go away quickly.

Bottom line you wont be able to dodge this situation. Going in unarmed can have you walking out of work before noon. Remember to stay true to yourself and your head above water. Work politics go a long way and can easily be your foot in the door or the noose around your neck.


  1. Excellent points, no matter how in the wrong a boss or co-worker may be and you feel like u need to tell them about themselves...ummm as the old folks say, lol "Don't bite the hand that feeds ya". If ya co-workers are in good with the boss just assume they are trash talking you, especially if you are the bitch lol.

  2. Well, i guess it's safe to say i was the office bitch.. hell, i still AM the office bitch !
