Wednesday, September 14, 2011

One Small Step

If you are like me you spent most of your life following the rule.  Make good grades, participate in activities, go to college and become a contributing citizen to the world.  What no one tells you is that the last part of the dream is not guaranteed.  I went to high school, graduated with honors, moved on and went to college and majored in psychology thinking that is would give me the keys to the world but here I am , keyless, clueless, and just trying to find my way.  Now a days I work for a local cable company and barely have enough money to pay the bills or have any energy to do things in my personal life.  Up until a few days ago I was just stagnant, a lifeless body of water that was doomed to just stand still or dry up completely.
So whats a girl to do?  What really are my options? I cant sing, I have no desire to go on a reality show.  What do I have to work with? Whats sets me apart from an other of the billions of people on this planet that are all striving for the same thing? I don't have the answers to that , but putting my thoughts out there is one small step

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