Clink! Clink! If that sounds resembles the pennies in your bank account then chances are love have taken a backseat in your life. This can be equally frustrating if you are in a relationship. Money matters can wreak havoc on a relationship. Couples will find themselves taking out financial frustrations on each other, which is an instant killer for your emotional connection as well as your libido. Here are some quick an easy ways to take your mind off your wallet and back on each other.
1. Rethink Your Version Of Date Night
One way to get closer is to erase your old ideas of date night, find out how much you are really spending. Going out to dinner, the movies, or drinks at your favorite bar can easily zap your wallet. A typical date night can easily have you shelling out upwards of 100 bucks! Instead of becoming a hermit crab you need to focus on what will give you the most quality time with your mate rather than focus on what you are doing. Sites such as and Groupon .com offer amazing dates for up to 75% off! So break out of your Saturday night rut and try some new things, you may even just like it!
2. Unplug
Hey you know that electronic device that is permanently attached to your hand? Well it’s killing your relationship! I know it’s easy to become completely detatched when you have Facebook stats to update, Tweets to respond to, and hundreds of people to text, but being completely plugged in can leave your sweetie feeling neglected. One way to mix it up is for you and your honey to completely unplug. Make the bedroom a no cellphone, laptop, or iPad zone. Get back to the basics and rediscover what made you connect in the first place. It may be a little awkward at first but keep talking; you may find yourself making a deeper connection than you ever thought possible. Hey if all else fails you can always burn up the sheets, that requires no talking at all.
3. Get Back in Touch with Your Single Self
When you are in a relationship over time you stop thinking “I” and are rewired to think about “we”. Couples tend to think of their needs as a unit and tend to forget about individual needs. Remember you? Remember when you used to take a day for yourself whether it was getting lost in a bookstore with a latte or spending an entire lazy Sunday watching True Blood from season 1? Well it’s time to get back to what makes you happy. Take some time out for yourself. Spending some time away from your sweetie can have a recharging effect and make you a better partner.
Bottom Line: Dating is hard, and keeping a fulfilling relationship afloat is even harder. It’s very easy to let outside influences come in and having you second guessing your commitments. However if you remain in touch with your and your partner’s needs while changing with the times there is nothing that can tear you apart.
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